Tuesday, 13 March 2012

mica powders and versamark techniques

Tonight we experimented with mica powders... we concentrated on using a black card for a nice contrast effect

in the pictures above the first technique we learnt about was using
versamark applied through a mask, the versamark will hold the mica on the card

in this technique simply stamp through the mask and then apply mica to inked area, simply spritz with tap water in a mister to set the mica

we also tried mica powdering the whole background and then stamping the mica off with a stamp which has versa apllied to it .... again the completed image is set by simply using a little spritz of water from a mister, an example is shown above

the third technique invloved using the versamark ink being applied direct to the rubber stamp, then mica powder was added over the inked image, an example of this technique can be seen below ie the green tree was made using this method

another technique is to use the mica powder as a paint, this can be simply achieved by adding a little water to the mica powder and then you can use it as you would a normal paint...

top tip, use a little mica powder and water and mix in the lid of the mica powder so you dont mess up the rest of the powder

mica can also be added to embossing powder to beautiful effect

love lynn

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