Sunday, 9 February 2014

Copy a hat ?

I bought this grey wool hat a local craft show and loads of friends have asked did I make it and could I make them one too.

Now if ever there was a challenge ... This was it!

1. I don't have a pattern
2. I can't do cable
3. I didn't know where to start

Sooo . If you don't know .. Ask someone who does!

Thankful I could call on my Mum and my crochet teacher for assistance.

After much counting and writing and re- writing and knitting and ripping and knitting and ripping ...

And several hours later i finally got the hang of cable stitches and worked out what was happening pattern wise on the original hat.

Voila .... The finished project and an improved version on the original which had button holes that gapped when you wore the hat.

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